Scientific Program

Special public event
On the evening of Friday Oct 6, a public event in Italian will take place at Castello Pasquini:
Conflitti attuali e rischi nucleari
A dialogue with On. Laura Boldrini, Prof. Paolo Cotta Ramusino, Prof. Francesco Forti, Prof. Enza Pellecchia, conducted by Le Scienze journalist Giovanni Spataro.
Speakers and chairs short biographies
The speakers and chairs short biographies shown on the front page are collected here.
Slides and contributions
Several speakers have made available their slides or text:
- Roberto Fieschi: The Birth of USPID.
- Lodovica Clavarino and Barbara Gallo edited the presentation into a nice paper in Italian on the 40 years of USPID.
- Ali Akbar Salehi: Nuclear Risks, Ambition Versus Wisdom
- Venance Journé: Climate consequences of a limited nuclear exchange
- Katariina Simonen: A View From Scandinavia. Reducing Nuclear and Conventional Dangers
- Barbara Gallo: Missile Technology Control Reagime: Where are we at ?
- Gianni Siroli: Role of artificial Intelligence in conflicts and nuclear risks
- Giuseppe Cima: Fusion Weapons: a Dejavu