Although participation in the Castiglioncello Conference is free of charge, thanks to the support of several generous organizations, USPID is a no-profit organization who badly needs donations to be able to operate. If you feel like contributing please send your donation with a bank transfer to:

Banca Popolare Etica S. p. A.
Filiale di Firenze, Via dell’Agnolo 73/r, 50122 Firenze
Account in the name of: Unione Scienziati Per Il Disarmo
IBAN: IT86M0501802800000011410230
Codice Fiscale dell’USPID : 93006920503

For administrative reasons USPID needs to know the donor and to issue a receipt. When you make a donation, please send email to with the following information:

Subject: Donation to USPID
First Name:
Last Name:
Fiscal Code:
Date of donation:
Donation Amount:

You can use the following link to open a draft of the email in your default mail client. USPID members do not need to repeat all the personal information, since they are already registered, but please send the email so the donation can be recorded.