The Non
Proliferation Treaty: 60 years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki
USPID, Castiglioncello, 23-25 settembre 2005
Venerdi 23/09/2005
19:30 - 20:30
21:00 - 23:00
Apertura dei lavori ed incontro pubblico
Stefania Maurizi introduce il film The Fog of War: eleven lessons
from the life of Robert McNamara
Sabato 24/09/2005
09:00 - 09:30
Saluti delle Autorita'
09:30 -13:00
Sessione I Non-proliferation, conflicts
and rules
relazioni di:
T. Rauf, International Atomic Energy Agency, Wien The Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Regime and Verification
A. Nikitin, President of Russian Political Science Association,
Moscow Changing Rules of
International Intervention into Conflicts
R. Cossa, President of Pacific Forum, CSIS Honululu North Korea nuclear problem
F. Calogero, Pugwash Council, University of Rome The risk of nuclear terrorism,
and how to alleviate it
S. Oznobishchev, Director of the Institute for Strategic
Assessments, Moscow Non-proliferation problems in
the geopolitical environment
J. Steinberger, CERN, Geneva US nuclear weapons in Europe
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:00
visita facoltativa alla mostra al Castello Pasquini
15:00 - 19:00
Sessione II Non-proliferation in Middle
East and Indian Subcontinent
relazioni di:
H. Al-Shahristani, First Deputy Speaker of Iraq National
Assembly, Iraqi National Academy of Science, Baghdad Weapons of Mass Destruction
Free Zone in the Middle East
D. Amit, Hebrew University, Jerusalem and University of Rome Disarmament and power equality
- Israel in the Middle East a microcosm
N. Arbatova, IMEMO, Moscow The Wider Middle East in the
context of the Euro-Atlantic relations
F. Daibes-Murad, Policy and Strategy Expert - Nordic Consulting
Group (Palestine), Jerusalem Viability of Peace in the
Middle East in the Palestinian-Israeli Context
Zia Mian,Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International
Affairs, Princeton University The Pakistan and India Nuclear
Situation In The Light Of Global Re-Nuclearization
20:00 - 23:00
cena sociale
Domenica 24/09/2005
09:00 - 13:00
Sessione III Technologies, space and
environment relazioni di:
M. Sultan, Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford Ballistic Missile defense and the
offense defense debate in south asia
B. Pernice, ASI, Rome The role of the space in the
european policy of security and defense
C. Giannardi, IMREC, Department of Florence Arpat Military use of depleted
uranium: exposure assessment for the population
V. Gennaro, IST - Istituto Nazionale Ricerca sul Cancro, Genova
Health of Italian soldier between depleted uranium and military
13:00 - 15:00
15:00 - 17:00
Riunione del Consiglio Scientifico dell'USPID